swift-format and swiftlint


How to start working with swift-format and swiftlint.

1. swift-format

1.1 Gets swift-format

swift-format is hosted on apple/swift-format, build executable by following the README

VERSION=0.50700.0  # replace this with the version you need
git clone https://github.com/apple/swift-format.git
cd swift-format
git checkout "tags/$VERSION"
swift build -c release

the swift-format executable will be located at .build/release/swift-format.

1.2 Place swift-format executable to global path

# Place swift-format executable to the global path
ln -s /path/to/your/binary/swift-format /usr/local/bin/swift-format

1.3 Adds configuration file

Adds configuration file .swift-format to customize the rules from the project root dir. Refer to Configuration.

   "indentation" : {
      "spaces" : 2

1.4 Xcode Usage

Add a new Run Script to the Build Phases section

if which swift-format >/dev/null; then
    swift-format format -i -r --configuration ${PROJECT_DIR}/.swift-format ${PROJECT_DIR}
    echo "warning: swift-format not installed"

2. swiftlint

2.1 Gets swiftlint

swiftlint is hosted on realm/SwiftLint, install it by following the README

# I prefer to use homebrew
brew install swiftlint

2.2 Xcode Usage

Add a new Run Script to the Build Phases section

if which swiftlint > /dev/null; then
  echo "warning: SwiftLint not installed

3. Troubleshotting

When using swift-format and swiftlint at the same time, some rules may conflict. So you can disable some swiftlint rules to avoid warnings.

Adds file .swiftlint.yml from the directory you’ll run SwiftLint from. Then you can configure it by following this guideline

# By default, SwiftLint uses a set of sensible default rules you can adjust:
disabled_rules: # rule identifiers turned on by default to exclude from running
  - trailing_comma # against swift-format
  - opening_brace  # against swift-format