iOS Package Manager


Some notes about iOS package manager tools, CocoaPods, Swift Package Manager, Carthage

1. CocoaPods

1.1 Guidance of CocoaPods

1.2 Install

sudo gem install cocoapods

1.3 Import dependencies

Create a text file named Podfile in your Xcode project directory

# Podfile
platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.6'

Then run

pod install

1.4 Upload library to CocoaPods specs

1.4.1 Register trunk
()# Register trunk
pod trunk register 'Xiaoye__220' --verbose

# You can list your sessions by running 
pod trunk me
1.4.2 Create podspec file under the project root folder
# Replace 'MyLib' with your lib name
pod spec create [MyLib]
1.4.3 Edit podspec file

Refer to Specs and the Specs Repo for more configuration.

Note: Make sure you had add the git tag with same spec.version to your spec.source

1.4.4 Validate podspec file
pod spec lint [NAME.podspec]
1.4.5 Upload library
pod trunk push [NAME.podspec]
1.4.6 Update library

Push your changes and add new tag like

git add tag '1.0.1'
git push -tags

Then push again

pod trunk push [NAME.podspec]
1.4.7 Remove library
# pod trunk delete [NAME] [VERSION]
pod trunk delete [MyLib] [1.0.0]

# pod trunk deprecate [NAME]
pod trunk deprecate [MyLib]

1.4 Upload library to private specs repo

1.4.1 Create repo to store your podspec file

Create a repro like

1.4.2 Add your specs repo to CocoaPods repo
# pod repo add [Spec repo name] [Spec repo source]
pod repo add [Specs] []

Then you open ~/.cocoapods/repos you can see the Specs had been added to there

open ~/.cocoapods/repos
1.4.3 Push library to private specs repo
# pod repo push [Spec repo name] --verbose
pod repo push Specs --verbose --use-libraries --allow-warnings
1.4.4 Use private repo

Clarify the private spec repo source in Profile file

source '';
source '';

target 'Main' do
pod 'MyLib'

1.5 Create lib project

# pod lib create [Project]
pod lib create MyProject

2. Swift Package Manager

2.1 Guidance of Swift Package

2.2 Adding Package Dependencies to Your App

2.3 Create package

2.3.1 Add Package.swift manifest file
swift package init --type=executable
2.3.2 Edit Package.swift manifest file

Here is the guidance about how to configue Package.swift

2.3.3 Push Package.swift

Push Package.swift to your remote repo so that others can add your package by adding dependency to your remote repo.

3. Carthage

3.1 Guidance of Carthage

3.2 Install

brew install carthage

3.3 Add dependency via Carthage

3.3.1 Create Cartfile file under the root folder
3.3.2 Edit Cartfile with denpendency

Detailed configuration


# Require version 2.3.1 or later
# Clone repo from
github "ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa" >= 2.3.1

# Require version 1.x
github "Mantle/Mantle" ~> 1.0    # (1.0 or later, but less than 2.0)

# Require exactly version 0.4.1
github "jspahrsummers/libextobjc" == 0.4.1

# Use the latest version
github "jspahrsummers/xcconfigs"

# Use the branch
github "jspahrsummers/xcconfigs" "branch"

# Use a project from GitHub Enterprise
github "https://enterprise.local/ghe/desktop/git-error-translations"

# Use a project from any arbitrary server, on the "development" branch
git "https://enterprise.local/desktop/git-error-translations2.git" "development"

# Use a local project
git "file:///directory/to/project" "branch"

# A binary only framework
binary "" ~> 2.3

# A binary only framework via file: url
binary "file:///some/local/path/MyFramework.json" ~> 2.3

# A binary only framework via local relative path from Current Working Directory to binary project specification
binary "relative/path/MyFramework.json" ~> 2.3

# A binary only framework via absolute path to binary project specification
binary "/absolute/path/MyFramework.json" ~> 2.3
3.3.3 Update Carthage frameworks
carthage update --use-xcframeworks --platform iOS

So you can find the frameworks under the folder ./Carthage/Build

3.3.4 Add framework to Xcode

On your application Targets -> General -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content, drag and drop each XCFramework you want to use from the Carthage/Build folder on disk

Then you can use the framework by import XXXX

3.4 Supporting Carthage for your framework

3.4.1 Add new framework target

Xcode->File->Target->Framework, Add new framwork target

3.4.2 Mark new scheme about framework target as shared

To share an Xcode project’s scheme so that Carthage can find it

3.4.3 Verify if framework can be built correctly
# Default scheme
carthage build --no-skip-current --use-xcframeworks