Vapor - Fluent


Additions to the Vapor Doc - Fluent

1. Create database by yourself first

1.1 Download PostgreSQL app

1.2 Create Database


1.3 Use database in Vapor

    hostname: "localhost",
    username: "postgres",
    password: "",
    database: "hello"),
  as: .psql)

1.4 Migrate

$ vapor run migrate

# revert migration
$ vapor run migrate --revert

1.5 Check your database with Postico app


2. Model - Custom identifier

2.1 model

final class User: Model {
  static let schema = "user"

  @ID(custom: "name")
  var id: String?
  @Field(key: "age")
  var age: Int
  init() {}

  init(id: String? = nil, age: Int) { = id
    self.age = age

2.2 migration

struct CreateUser: AsyncMigration {
  // Prepares the database.
  func prepare(on database: Database) async throws {
    try await database.schema(User.schema)
      .field("name", .string, .identifier(auto: false))
      .field("age", .int)

  // Optionally reverts the changes made in the prepare method.
  func revert(on database: Database) async throws {
    try await database.schema(User.schema).delete()

2.3 configure

try app.autoMigrate().wait()

try await User(id: "Bob", age: 18).save(on: app.db)

let user = try await User.find("Bob", on: app.db)