Swift - Encoding Json with customize names of properties


Swift can simply encode json to object with JSONDecoder

struct Family: Codable {
  var persons: [Person]

struct Person: Codable {
  var name: String
  var age: Int

let json = """
  "persons": [
    { "name": "Lilei", "age": 8 },
    { "name": "Hanmeimei", "age": 10 }

let jsonData = json.data(using: .utf8)!
let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
let persons = try! jsonDecoder.decode(Family.self, from: jsonData)

But consider the case that json contains invalid property like this

  "persons": [
    { "person.name": "Lilei", "person.age": 8 },
    { "person.name": "Hanmeimei", "person.age": 10 }

We can’t define person.name and person.age as properties because it againsts the swift property naming (contains .).

Now we need to use custom names of propertied for this case.

struct Person: Codable {
  var name: String
  var age: Int
  enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
    case name = "person.name"
    case age = "person.age"

let json = """
  "persons": [
    { "person.name": "Lilei", "person.age": 8 },
    { "person.name": "Hanmeimei", "person.age": 10 }